Table of contents
- General information
- Path Request & Path object and PR ID & PA ID
- Behaviour of the object identifiers in specific use cases
1. General Information
1.1 Case Reference object and CR ID
In PCS, the Dossier and the Dossier ID refer to the Case reference and CR ID.
1.2 Train object and TR ID
The Train object is created by the Leading applicant when creating the dossier.
PRs and PAs objects are linked to the Train object and populate the Train Information element in the messages.
1.3 TSI Variant ID
When an RA creates PRs in a dossier (called sub-paths in the Applicant timetable) and their origin/border/destination varies, each of these PRs must be linked to a different TSI Variant ID.
2. Path Request & Path object and PR ID & PA ID
PR and PA objects refer to the sub-paths from the timetables in PCS:
- Applicant timetable: each sub-path is a PR and the PCS Path ID of each sub-path corresponds to a PR ID
- IM timetable: each sub-path is a PA and the PCS Path ID of each sub-path corresponds to a PA ID (unless the IM provides his own IDs)
Please find below a subset of the Trasse model of PCS, where you can see how the PR/PA IDs are stored on the sub-path level and that they are always linked to a TR ID.
RA / IM can define and send their own PR ID / PA ID to PCS however, this PR ID / PA ID will not be visible on PCS GUI. PCS will create a new PCS Path ID and store the corresponding PR ID / PA ID in the “tsi_path_id” field in PCS schema. Please see below a partial example from PCS schema:
“635441” is the PCS Path ID visible on the PCS GUI for the sub-path. The IM has created this object via TAF TSI message and defined the PA ID with the core element “112233” which is stored in the “tsi_path_id” field

3. Behaviour of the object identifiers in specific use cases
Path Request Process
3.1 Use Case (UC): submit path request and release path elaboration – PA identifiers in the outbound messages
When the Leading Applicant submits the path request and promotes the dossier to Path Elaboration, PCS automatically creates the IM timetable copying the content of the Applicant timetable. PCS does also automatically creates the PCS Path IDs (PA IDs) for the sub-paths created in the IM timetable. The notification messages (outbound messages) sent for these use cases (submit Path Request and Release Path Elaboration) include these automatically generated PA IDs.
IMs can choose how they would like to handle these automatically generated PA IDs:
- The IM uses the received PA ID to communicate back with PCS
- The IM does not use the received PA ID and uses its own national PA ID to communicate back with PCS. In this case, a new PA object will be created in the IM timetable.
3.2 Use case (UC): send offer – PR Identifiers in the Related Planned Transport Identifier
The PR ID in the Path Details Message should be stored as PlannedTransportIdentifiers according to the Sector Handbook. All PR IDs of the territory to which the PA ID listed in PlannedTransportIdentifiers belongs to are stored as RelatedPlannedTransportIdentifiers in the PCS TAF TSI interface implementation because the link between PR and PA does not exist in PCS EC so one PR ID cannot be stored as PlannedTransportIdentifiers. This link PR – PA will be implemented in PCS Capacity Broker.LikeComment48 ViewsSave for later