PCS Capacity Broker – new PCS version

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1. Do you have some more information regarding the new version of PCS?

From mid-April 2024, we will start releasing the new PCS version Capacity Broker for testing, gradually in so-called modules until mid-August.
Detailed functional and technical documentation will be released with each gradual module and will be given to all interested companies. All interfacing companies will receive information about relevant migration details during Q1 2024.

From 18th August until 20th of September, we will perform the User Acceptance Test on the final test version and, based on the outcome of those tests and discussions among Applicants/RUs, IMs, RFCs,…, IMs will decide if the new version is ready to be used in production for the planning of annual timetable 2026. If yes, we aim to go live with it as of the 21st of October 2024.

2. Is there something we as an RU have to do when we are switching systems?

RNE will ensure multiple sessions of user training (the exact plan is still in elaboration) after the release of the new PCS version Q4 2024 and Q1 2025. We will invite you to attend them to learn how to use PCS CB as RU/Applicant. The old version of PCS will no longer be available.

3. If we want an integration, where can we find documents on how to setup an integration with the new version?

If you would like to establish a machine-to-machine interface based on the TAF TAP TSI standard via the RNE Common Interface, the team behind interface support will make sure to share the documentation for the setup as soon as it is available (as mentioned above). At the moment it is not yet ready for our external users.

The communication guide for the current version of PCS is available here https://docs.rne.eu/pcs/interface/pcstaftaptsi/ with applicant-specific first steps described in the following chapter https://docs.rne.eu/pcs/interface/pcstaftaptsi/generalinformation/connection-to-pcs-via-the-common-interface-the-first-steps-for-applicants/ (steps for PCS CB will be comparable). If you have any questions about it, please raise them to support.pcs-interface@rne.eu and the dedicated agent will give you a response.