How to delete an obsolete sub-path (sub-path with an empty calendar)?

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Access rights
  3. Process types
  4. Phases
  5. How it works
  6. Web service

1. Introduction

Currently, when an IM prepares an offer by creating new sub-paths in the IM TT instead of using the existing sub-paths received from the applicant, the latest ones become obsolete and are shown in the IM timetable of the offer with empty calendars. To resolve this problem PCS automatically removes all sub-paths in the territory with an empty calendar when the IM agency sets the green light before submitting the draft/final offer. How to delete an obsolete sub-path in PCS is described in detail in this document.

2. Access rights

The option works only for IM users.

3. Process types

The function works for all process types in PCS.

4. Phases

IMs/ABs can delete the obsolete sub-paths in the Path elaboration and Post-processing phases from the IM timetable.

5. How it works

When the IM sets the green light on the control in the territory for which he/she is responsible.

Then the following warning message is shown:

If you agree and click the “OK” button the subpath with an empty calendar will be deleted.

6. Web service

For web service users there is no notification or confirmation message shown.